Sunday, May 10, 2015

It's not all kitten and puppy cuddling

Today was the first time ever I cried about a patient.

He is a five and a half year old cat that isn't even particularly nice. He is trying to die and we have been trying our best to figure out what is wrong and to help him. $5500 in and we seem to have more questions than answers and nothing we are doing is working. The owners are devastated and are willing to do whatever is necessary to save him. We started a new treatment today, but it is pretty much a gamble. I can't even being to describe the sheer frustration of having an owner willing to go the distance, but being completely unable to help. I've always tried to retain a sort of objectivity while dealing with my patients because getting emotionally involved is extremely emotionally draining. However, I see the desperation in his owners in wanting to save their pet and I can't help but empathize. Sometimes I feel that this job is too hard to do. I then try to keep a even larger emotional distance from my patients. Someday I may find a good balance between investing myself too much and not enough.

This weekend marks the end of a 9 week rotation marathon. I haven't written anything since partway through my orthopedics rotation because I simply haven't had the time. After finishing up my orthopedic rotation, I jumped into my soft tissue rotation. The senior clinican on during my rotation is an expert in laryngeal diseases as well as reconstructive surgery. I've had the opportunity to see amazing wound reconstruction and huge defect closures. During this rotation, I also had the opportunity to go to a humane society and practice spaying a neutering dogs and cats. I did 4 dog spays, 2 cat spays, 2 dog neuters, and 2 cat neuters at the humane society. During my rotation at school, I also had the opportunity to perform 1 dog spay and 2 dog neuters. In addition to these basic surgeries, I was allowed to participate in a variety of amazing and life saving surgeries. All in all, I'm feeling much more comfortable with my surgical skills and had a blast in this rotation.

After my soft tissue surgery rotation, I went on to internal medicine. This rotation is the one that people refer animals to when they can't figure out what's wrong with them. I didn't think I would like this rotation much, but as it turns out, I love internal medicine. The patient is like a puzzle we have to work out. I have also been able to try so many new things on this rotation. I was allowed to take nasal biopsies, do joint taps, take bone marrow aspirates and biopsies, and place esophageal feeding tubes. The only part of internal medicine that I don't like is the amount of animals that we cannot cure. Even with the vast amount of new techniques and drugs that have been made available in veterinary medicine, there are still some diseases and conditions that we cannot do anything about, no matter how much an owner may want it.

Tomorrow, I start my primary care rotation. Other than my upcoming emergency and critical care rotation, all of my rotations starting tomorrow on should be much less stressful. I'm looking forward to having a bit more free time.

1 comment:

  1. Bien que le traitement soit devenu plus tolérable et que les tables de CDF une fois par jour facilitent l'adhésion au traitement prescrit, il est néanmoins nécessaire que les patients prennent leurs médicaments régulièrement pour obtenir une suppression virale durable. Lorsque l'observance du traitement est inadéquate et que la réplication n'est donc pas inhibée, le Dr Itua a promis et a rempli ses promesses, car il m'a dit que je partagerais son travail avec des personnes souffrant d'infertilité, d'herpès, d'hépatite A / B, de fibromes, de VIH / sida. , Maladie d’Alzheimer, Arthrite, Diète, Diabète, Inflamotisme du foie et des reins, Fibromyalgie, Maladie de Parkinson, j’ai lu de nombreux témoignages en ligne de Jesus McKinney, Achima Abelard et Tara Omar sur la façon dont ils ont été guéris par sa médecine à base de plantes médicinales. sur Email puis nous parlons sur whatsapp +2348149277967 il m'a donné des instructions sur la façon de le boire pendant deux semaines, après l'avoir bu pendant deux semaines, je me suis fait tester, puis j'ai découvert que j'étais guéri du VIH, je le remercie Allot, je lui envoie aussi de l’argent d’appréciation. Contactez ce grand docteur en herbes si vous êtes malade.
