Sunday, March 8, 2015

Wrapping Up

Friday was the last day of this rotation and on this day I was FINALLY able to redeem myself and suture up a cow successfully. This cow also had a displaced abomasum and the doctor was going to let me perform almost the entire surgery. Unfortunately, the owner was in a hurry so that idea was shot down. She did let me reach in and deflate the distended stomach. That was a bit scary. We attach a large needle to a rubber tube, Then stick the needle into the stomach and turn on a vaccum hooked at the other end of the tube. Getting the needle in and out without lacerating other organs was a bit tricky, but I think I managed it.
Not perfect, but successful!

Nothing else was super exciting, but I got to spend some time in the small animal clinic placing catheters and drawing blood. 

A couple of photos from earlier on in the rotation:
On the first day of my rotation, I helped deliver my first baby calf ever
The weather during my three week rotation was not the most pleasant ever. This a photo taken during a snowstorm during a drive. Believe it or not, there is supposed to be a road right in front of us, it is just obscured by the heavy snow. The lack of visibility isn't my poor camera skills, but actually the snowfall.

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